The Ultimate Generic Brand Video
We've all suffered through them — corporate videos stuffed with bland stock imagery, accompanied by a voice meant to inspire confidence. Kendra Eash had the inspired idea to create the text for what she titled A Generic Brand Video. Stock footage firm Dissolve then took the logical next step and created an actual video to go with the words, using clips from its collection. The result is rather chilling, in that it illustrates only too well the emptiness and cynicism behind so many corporate promotional videos.
Enjoy the Generic Brand Video below and check out the text on the McSweeney's site. You can only savor the closing words: "Did we put a baby in here? What about an ethnic old man whose wrinkled smile represents the happiness and wisdom of the poor? Yep.".
Edgar Bak
Edgar Bak is a talented designer based out of Poland. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, he can now be found art directing for various magazines and teaching typography and information architecture classes at the School of Form in Poznan. He was also a driving force behind Projekt: The Polish journal of visual art and design published by United Editions.
Hong Kong's Neon Wonders
Hong Kong’s visual culture museum M+ recently released a fascinating documentary on the local neon sign industry. The short film titled “the Making of Neon Signs” features candid interviews with the craftsmen of this now dying art. Accompanying the documentary is an online exhibition that includes historical photos, articles and an interactive map that allows the public to upload images of their favorite signs.